Managing Your Online Image

John Krautzel
Posted by in Career Advice

During a job search, your online image is your calling card. Potential employers are likely to run a Google search for your name at some point during the hiring process, and the results can determine whether you get the job. With a proactive approach, you can take control of your Internet identity.

Search Your Name

The first step in managing your online image is to run a search for your full name to get an idea of what an employer will see. Look carefully at the first few pages of search results, keeping an eye out for red flags: rough language, mentions of violence or graphic pictures can all turn off employers. Change any of the pages that you can – delete old forum entries, edit personal blog posts or remove damaging social media results. If the majority of the results are about other people, try searching for your name and your college or current city.

Examine Social Media

Go through each of your social media profiles, and imagine how an employer would view the content. Clean up each account by deleting or editing posts that could sabotage your professional online image, such as photos of drunken behavior, political rants, lewd poses or near nudity. You can set personal accounts to private, but don't assume that employers won't be able to see the content; a single mutual friend can make supposedly private posts visible. Don't be afraid to leave inoffensive accounts public; they can give the employer an idea of what it would be like to work with you. Create a LinkedIn profile if you don't have one, and ensure that the profile information doesn't conflict with your resume.

Edit Written Materials

Any Internet content that carries your name, from blog posts to Instagram captions, automatically becomes a writing sample during a job search. If your writing is filled with errors, the employer may automatically make inferences about your professional style. The same goes for the content, which gives clues to your beliefs and personality. An important part of managing your online image is ensuring that each post is coherent and grammatically correct.

Take Control

Control your online image by buying the domain names for your full name. Visit a web hosting service such as GoDaddy or Bluehost and search for your name. Pay the fee to purchase the .com and .net domains, if they are available. Don't leave the domains empty purchase a basic hosting plan, install a free design template and add your resume in text form. If you have the time, add text, portfolio samples or photos to make the site more relevant to search engines. Alternatively, use a redirect code to send users to your LinkedIn profile when they load the page.

In the age of Google, your online image can make or break your employment search. By taking control before the first resumes go out, you can build a professional presence that you are proud to claim.

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